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Founded by two friend, Ali Mejia and Mariela Rovito, Eberjey emerged on the simple but radical premise that we should be genuine - genuine to connect to ourselves and our sensuality. they set out to create everyday lingerie that would feel comfortable and effortless. Lingerie that allows you to be you. It was created for women. By women. We are more than a brand. Eberjey is a way of living. With much of our lives spent in go-mode, we savor the simpler moments in between. Our designs are crafted to reflect the importance of living a more connected and well-rested life. Slowing down, spending time with family and friends, and staying grounded at home and in nature. A life inspired by doing good and feeling good.

ST. ARMANDS : Mon-Sat: 10-5 Sun 11-4 // 941.343.2315